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Women in the Civil War.

Women of the Civil War

Fayetteville Arkansas was the edge of the fronter. Today with our rapid travel it is hard to realize that a team and wagon went less than 5 miles an hour. Travel from one place to another was a major decision. The visits familys enjoyed were longer than todays, and people were for the most part closer. They knew each other better for having shared the time.

Working together, something we dont do today, was the rule rather than the exception. Familys were large, and yet were never large enough to get everything done.

Cooking over a open fire or a cast iron stove (if you were lucky and wealthy) occupied a large part of the day.

Clothing was mostly made by hand, Sewing machines were yet to be invented. The cotton or wool was spun by hand and loomed at home, the cloth cut and sewed all by hand.

I would say that the state of mind of the average person in this time was better balanced than we are today. The dutys of everyday life were the driving factors. Of course there were the new and better desires, the new cloth, or tool, appliance, horse or buggy, new kerosene lamp.

Education, was much more important, a good vocabulary, being well read, and well spoken.
Social graces and current styles, were important, just as they are today. But it seems to me that the style and grace of then was more attractive than ours today.

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